AVERT Responds to ASIO’s Increased Threat Level

Photo: ASIO director-general Mike Burgess announcing raised terror threat level (ABC News: Matt Roberts)

Following ASIO's annoucement on the 5th of August that the terrorist threat to Australia is now "probable," there has been significant discussion about the implications for national security and public safety. Experts note that while there is no immediate threat, the heightened alert level calls for vigilance and preparedness. This shift reflects broader global security trends and emphasises the need for community awareness.

AVERT Research Members have responded to the announcement by sharing their knowledge, expertise, and perspectives with the community. For an informed and considered analysis, please view the commentary below.

Ms Lydia Khalil (AVERT convenor)

Why Australia's terror threat level has been raised

Why a terrorist attack is now ‘probable’

Australia raises terror threat level of disinformation, conspiracy theories stoke fears of unrest

Prof. Michele Grossman

Frustration, confusion and Andrew Tate driving extremism in the young

Dr. Levi West

Terrorism 'Probable': ASIO raises threat level for first time in 10 years

A/Prof. Josh Roose

Australia raises terror alert level

Prof. Greg Barton

Why Australia’s terror threat was raised

International relations expert says it ‘absolutely makes sense’ to raise terror threat level

Terms of terror

Why ASIO raised the terror threat level

Prof. Ramon Spaaij

ASIO has now declared the terrorist threat to Australia is ‘probable’. What does this mean?


New Co-Convenor of the AVERT Research Network


An Evening with Professor Bruce Hoffman