AVERT members are strongly committed to the accessible dissemination of research findings and outcomes. We publish our research findings through reports, journal articles, books and book chapters and media commentary. Many of our research members’ publications are available on their members’ profile pages. Below you can find research publications commissioned or facilitated by the AVERT Network
Rapid Evidence Assessment on Disguised Compliance
Rapid Evidence Assessment on Disguised Compliance
(in German)
AVERT Submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Extremism in Victoria
Adrian Cherney, Amy Templar and Daniel Koehler
Adrian Cherney, Amy Templar and Daniel Koehler
AVERT Research Network
AVERT Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security Inquiry into Extremist Movements and Radicalism in Australia
Michele Grossman, Adrian Cherney, Hass Dellal, Joshua M. Roose, Mark Duckworth and Lydia Khalil
Rapid Evidence Assessment on Neurodiversity and Violent Extremism
Rapid Evidence Assessment on Alternative Narratives
Rapid Evidence Assessment: An International Review of Terrorist Recidivism
Rachel Worthington, Zainab Al-Attar, Alexandra Lewis and Natalie Pyszora
Joshua M. Roose, Vivian Gerrand and Shahram Akbarzadeh
Chad Whelan, David Bright and Paige Fletcher