New Co-Convenor of the AVERT Research Network

The AVERT Research Network is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Julian Droogan will be joining Lydia Khalil as Co-Convenor of the Network.

Julian brings a wealth of experience and expertise that will help the Network to continue to grow and develop.  Julian  is an Associate Professor of Security Studies in the Department of Security Studies and Criminology, Macquarie University, where he serves as Head of Department. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (Routledge). Julian’s academic research focusses on online extremism and disinformation, South Asian violent extremism, and terrorist cultures.

Through his career, Julian has worked with a range of stakeholders from government, the private sector, and community groups to apply university-based research to devising solutions to contemporary security challenges. He has led  research  projects for the Australian and US Departments of Defence, for the NSW Government, and for the United States Institute for Peace, among others. These encompass topics such as mapping jihadist propaganda, young Australians’ engagement with online violent extremist content, the rise of far-right and conspiratorial narratives through social media, and the spread of online disinformation in Australia’s region. Julian was instrumental in designing the COMPACT countering violent extremism program, operated by Multicultural NSW and aimed at fostering broad societal resilience to violent extremism.

Speaking of his new appointment as Co-Convenor of the AVERT Research Network, Julian said, ‘I'm honoured to support the excellent work done by the AVERT Network in understanding and reducing the social harms caused by violent extremism. The AVERT Network has a strong history of supporting collaborative research and practice in all areas of countering violent extremism and radicalisation. I look forward to helping further promote these aims at a time when the risk landscape is becoming more complex and diverse.’

The appointment of Julian as Co-Convenor signifies the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the Network. We encourage AVERT members to join us in welcoming Julian to this new role.


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