Dr Susan Carland

DECRA Fellow

Monash University

Research Area Keywords
Islam; Muslims; Islamophobia; Social cohesion; Muslim women; Sexism; Lived religion.

Contact: susan.carland@monash.edu


About Susan


Dr Susan Carland is an academic, author, and social commentator. She has a PhD from Monash University’s School of Social Sciences, and is currently a Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) Fellow and a Churchill fellow, researching the intersection between gender, Islamophobia, and social cohesion. Her first book, “Fighting Hislam: women, faith and sexism”, was published by Melbourne University Publishing, and she has also published a book with Oxford University Press, and with Brill. Susan has spoken about her research and as an expert commentator to the UN in Geneva, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on Q and A, 7:30, Lateline, The Project, The Drum, ABC News Breakfast, Sunrise, and has written for The Guardian, The Age, The Saturday Paper, The Conversation, The Australian Women’s Weekly, Australian Vogue, The Quarterly Essay, as well as numerous in academic publications.

She currently sits on Victorian Government Anti-Racism taskforce, the board of Benevolence Australia, and the advisory board for the Valmae Frielich Project for the Study of Bigotry at the Australian National University. Susan currently hosts the podcast What Happens Next? She is a columnist for Sunday Life in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Key Publications


Muslim women and agency: an Australian context (2021)

Krayem G & Carland S (eds.)

Fighting Hislam: women, faith and sexism (2017)

Carland S

The Research Process (2016)

Bouma G & Carland S

Journal Articles

Silenced: Muslim women commentators in the Australian media (2012)

Carland S


Islamophobia, fear of loss of freedom, and the Muslim woman (2011)

Carland S


Book Chapters

Lorque les femmes soutiennent l’extremisme violent: le context australien (2021)

Grossman, M, Carland, S., Zammit, A, Tahiri, H

in Le nouvel âge des extrêmes? Les démocraties libérales, la radicalisation et l’extrémisme violent, Morin D, Aoun S and Al Baba Douaihy S (eds.)

We know racism and recessions go together: Australia must prepare to stop a racism spike here (2020)

Carland S

in 2020: the year that changed us, Glassey M (ed)

Faiths and Feminisms (2020)

Carland S

in Religion Matters: the contemporary relevance of religion, Babie, Paul & Sarre, Rick (eds.)

The anatomy of anti-Muslim sentiment in Australia: the case of Muslim women (2010)

Aly W & Carland S

in Terrorism and social exclusion: misplaced risk - common security, David Wright- Neville & Anna Halafoff (eds.)

Research Reports

The roles of women in supporting and opposing violent extremism: understanding gender and terrorism in contemporary Australia (2018)

Grossman M, Carland S, Tahiri H & Zammit A



Islam and feminism are not mutually exclusive, and faith can be an important liberator

Carland S


Femen’s topless condescension towards Muslim women only helps sexism (2015)

Carland S


Grants and Projects

Current: ARC DECRA and Churchill fellowship