Mr Jade Hutchinson

Doctoral Candidate

Macquarie University / Groningen University

Research Area Keywords
Right-wing violent extremism; Online extremism; Socio-techincal systems; 'Online extremist ecosystems'.



About Jade


Jade Hutchinson is a Cotutelle PhD Candidate in the Department of Security Studies and Criminology at Macquarie University (Australia) and the Research Centre for Media and Journalism Studies at Groningen University (The Netherlands). Jade’s research is focused on understanding far-right violent extremism in the context of an ‘online eco-system’ and in what ways social media platforms and websites shape far-right extremist disposition and engagement in terrorism.

 Key Publications

Book Chapters

They’re Not All White, But All Alt-Patriots (2019)

Hutchinson, Jade


Journal Articles

Mobilizing Extremism Online: Comparing Australian and Canadian Right-Wing Extremist Groups on Facebook (2021)

Hutchinson, Jade, Amarasingam, Amarnath, Scrivens, Ryan, Ballsun-Stanton, Brian


Australian and Canadian Far-right Extremism: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Social Media Mobilisation on Facebook (2019)

Hutchinson, Jade


The New-Right Movement in Australia (2019)

Hutchinson, Jade


Far-Right Terrorism: The Christchurch Attack and Potential Implications on the Asia Pacific Landscape (2019)

Hutchinson, Jade



A Comparison of Australian and Canadian Right-Wing Extremist Facebook Group Pages (2020)

Hutchinson, Jade


Grants and Projects

Grant Researcher on a United States' Institute of Peace, in conjunction with the RESOLVE Network, contract with Macquarie University (Australia) investigating right-wing extremism in the context of an ‘online eco-system’.

Research Assistant on a New South Wales Government contract with Macquarie University (Australia) investigating online right-wing extremism in New South Wales.