Dr Helen Young

Senior Lecturer

Deakin University

Research Area Keywords
Far-right extremist fiction; white supremacy and racism; video games; medievalism; popular culture; conspiracy theories.

Contact: helen.young@deakin.edu.au


About Helen


Helen Young is a senior lecturer in literary and cultural studies in the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University, and from 2024-2028 will be an Australian Research Council Future Fellow leading the project “The Politics of Medievalism: Persuasive Narratives”. Helen has a PhD (2007) from the University of Sydney and a Bachelor of Arts/Creative Arts Hons I (2002) from the University of Wollongong.

 Key Publications


Violent emotions: the ‘Aryan’ medievalisms of Harold A. Covington, (in press) (2022)

Young, H

Race, Whiteness and ‘Reality’ in Medievalist Videogames (2021)

Young, H

Race and Popular Fantasy Literature: Habits of Whiteness (2016)

Young, H


Journal Articles

Authoritarian Politics and Conspiracy Fictions: The Case of QAnon (2022)

Young, H and Boucher, G M


Analyses & Commentary

Why the far-right and white supremacists have embraced the Middle Ages and their symbols (2021)

Young, H


What is the link between computer gaming and hate-based ideologies? (2020)

Young, H and Boucher, G


Normalising conspiracy theories: videogames, violence and the far-Right (2020)

Young, H and Boucher, G


Grants and Projects

Accelerationist Fiction

Boucher, G and Young, H

Deakin Motion Lab, 2021-2022

Medievalisms in Far-right Culture