Dr Christine Horn

Associate Research Fellow

Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS), Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University

Research Area Keywords
Trust; Community Resilience; Digital inclusion.

Contact: christine.horn@deakin.edu.au


About Christine


Christine is an Associate Research Fellow for the Trust flows project on trust relationships between government and communities at the Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies at Deakin University. Before this role she worked in research roles at RMIT University and the University of Melbourne working on themes of social inclusion, multiculturalism and interfaith relationships, including work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations across Australia. Dr Horn completed h PhD at Swinburne University in 2015.


Key Publications

Horn, C., & Gifford, S. M. (2022). ICT uptake and use and social connectedness in rural and remote communities: a study from Sarawak, Malaysia. Information Technology for Development, 1-26.

Horn, C., Gifford, S. M., & Ting, C. Y. (2021). Informal, essential and embedded: Transport strategies in remote Sarawak. Journal of Transport Geography, 96, 103181.

Hickey-Moody, A., Horn, C., Willcox, M., & Florence, E. (2021). Arts-Based Methods for Research with Children. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hickey-Moody, A., Horn, C., & Willcox, M. (2019). STEAM Education, Art/Science and Quiet Activism. In Why science and art creativities matter (pp. 200-228). Brill.

Horn, C., & Rennie, E. (2018). Digital access, choice and agency in remote Sarawak. Telematics and Informatics, 35(7), 1935-1948.

Grants and Projects

‘Trust Flows: Understanding trust flows to build resilient PVE partnerships between communities and government’

Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies