AVERT International Research Symposium 2023
26 September 2023
Session 1 - Mainstreaming Extremism
Lawful Extremism
J.M. Berger - Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Mainstreaming Radicals: A Perspective from Pakistan Associate Professor Khuram Iqbal - Macquarie University
Session 2 - Extremism, Populism and Hate
De-escalating Hate: Sikh Separatism, Hindu Nationalism, and the Shadow of Communal Violence Among Australia’s Indian Communities
Dr Malcolm Haddon - Multicultural NSW
Delineating the Limits of Legitimacy: Hateful Extremism, Populism, and Far-right Supremacism in Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and the United States
Professor Greg Barton - Deakin University
Session 3 - Reimagining Society Through Extremist Narratives
Needs, Narratives, Networks: Understanding Militant Wellness
Dr Vivian Gerrand - Deakin University
Understanding Extremism Through Political Fictions
Dr Helen Young and Associate Professor Geoff Boucher - Deakin University
Session 4 - Keynote
When Does Dissent Cross the Line into Violence? Exploring No-Vax Narratives and Anti- Government Extremism
Interview with Professor Donatella della Porta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy
Dr Vivian Gerrand and Dr Matteo Vergani - Deakin University
Session 5 - Boundary-riding: Anti-government Movements and Extremist Ideologies 1
Understanding the Potential Threat from Sovereign Citizens in Australia: Extremism? Violent Extremism? Or Both?
Associate Professor Josh Roose - Deakin University
Anti-Government Extremism in Australia: Understanding the Australian Freedom Movement as a Complex Anti Government Social Movement
Lydia Khalil - Deakin University
Session 6: Boundary-riding: Anti-government Movements and Extremist Ideologies 2
Exploring Patterns of Online Anti-Government Threat Narratives among Non-Violent Extremists in the UK: The Cases of CAGE UK, Patriotic Alternative and Extinction Rebellion
Dr Elisa Orofino, Dr William Allchorn, and Ms Julia Jones - Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Participation in Anti-authority Protest and Links with Grievances, Conspiracy Theories and Radicalisation
Anthony Morgan, Dr Timothy Cubitt, and Isabella Voce - Australian Institute of Criminology
27 September 2023
Session 7: Understanding Contemporary Extremist Actors
The Changing Violent Extremist Cohort: Who Are They, What Do They Believe, and How Do They Act on Their Beliefs?
Dr Melanie Mitchell and Shannon Atkins - Queensland Corrective Services
The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Risk and Protective Profiles for Vulnerability to Radicalisation
Dr Caitlin Clemmow - University College London, UK
Session 8: Keynote
How relevant is P/CVE in Today's Changing Threat Landscape?
Professor Joel Busher - Coventry University, UK
Session 10: Democracy, Activism and Violent Extremism (Panel)
Democratic Activism, Repression, and Violent Extremism: Empirical Inter-relationships in Australia
Professor Winnifred Louis and Charlie Pittaway - University of Queensland
Social and Temporal Predictors of Pro- and Anti-democratic Attitudes and Support for Political Violence
Charlie Pittaway and Professor Winnifred Louis - University of Queensland
A Network Analysis of Conventional and Radical Behaviours Within Groups
Dr Susilo Wibisono, Mengyao (Linda) Li, and Professor Winnifred Louis - University of Queensland
Criminalization of Climate Change Protest
Dr Robyn Gulliver, Dr Robin Banks, Professor Kelly Fielding, and Professor Winnifred Louis - University of Tasmania, University of Queensland, and Greenpeace Australia
Session 9: Countering Extremist Harms to Democracies
A Massively Parallel Strategy for Combating Violent Extremism and Related Threats to Democracy
Dr Guy Burgess and Dr Heidi Burgess - Beyond Intractability, Colorado, USA
Maintaining a Healthy Democracy: Results from an Experiment in Countering Extremist Disinformation in the Pandemic
Associate Professor David Malet - American University, Washington DC, USA
Session 11: Defining the Line: The Spread of Disinformation, Misinformation and Violent Extremist Content
The Spread of Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories: Lessons from COVID-19
Dr Rachel Sharples and Professor Kevin Dunn - Western Sydney University
Exploring the Legal Red Line Against Spreading Violent Extremist Content in Australia: What It Means for Individuals, Traditional Media and Film?
Rita Jabri Markwell - Birchgrove Legal
Session 12: Policy Challenges for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
The New Hybrid Threat Landscape as a Challenge to Current P/CVE Policies in Scandinavia
Professor Sissel Haugdal Jore - University of Stavanger, Norway
Indonesia's National Action Plan on Countering Violent Extremism (RAN PE): The Case of Local Government Implementation
Libasut Taqwa - Wahid Foundation, Indonesia
The Importance of Trust in Government Policies for Preventing Violent Extremism
Dr Christine Horn and Mark Duckworth - Deakin University
Session 13: Extremism and Democratic Erosion
Democracy Pakistani Style: Violence and Extremism in Political Narratives in Pakistan
Kashif Hussain and Emeritus Professor Howard Brasted - University of New England, Armidale
Democratic Erosion: A Result or Part of the Problem?
Dr Ibolya Losoncz - Australian National University
Radical Right-wing Terrorism and the Erosion of Democratic Institutions: Exploring the Radical Motivation Behind the January 8, 2023 Brazilian Riots
Dr Enio Viterbo Martins - University of Coimbra, Portugal
28 September 2023
Session 14: Gendering Extremism
Connecting Hate Groups: The Role of Traditionalist Gender Narratives
Dr Victoria Tait-Signal, Dr Erika Peter, and Dr Dominique Laferrière - Defence Research and Development Canada
The Role of Misinformation and Perceived Male Victimhood in Shaping Anti-Government Online Behaviour Among Adult Men
Dr Matteo Vergani and Haily Tran - Deakin University
‘Don’t Say Gay’: An Examination of Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric by ISIS and the Far Right
Assistant Professor Jared Dmello, Professor Mia Bloom, and Dr Sophia Moskalenko - Sam Houston State University and Georgia State University, USA
Session 15: Digital Threats to Democracy
Digital Threats to Democracy and the NSW Government: Translating CVE Theory into Policy Action
Sophie Murray-Farrell and Lydia Khalil - Premier’s Department NSW and Deakin University
Online Challenges for Election Integrity: Case Studies from the 2023 NSW Election
Luke Bacon and Elena Yi-Ching Ho - Purpose